Aasssoxx Sniffsoxx

Aasssoxx Sniffsoxx

SKU 0107000
Kod EAN 5500550020961
Brand Aasssoxx

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PLN 59.00


GPSS has the best smelling socks! Even when you sit next to GPSS you can smell his socks and sneakers from a distance.

All you want is to kneel down in front of him and put your snout to the sneakers. And then happens what you are waiting for… you can already feel the intense stench slowly being released on your snout as the master slowly pulls the sock out of the sneaker.

You’re in such an euphoria that you don’t know what to do first, whether to keep the snout on the still warm sock or to slip the snout straight into the sneaker. The snout greedily absorbs every smell!

GPSS socks are better than poppers. You fag could keep his snout in the socks and sniff endlessly. GPSS socks taste even better with the new SUPERSNIFF kits!

ONE SIZE 42-46