Cookies policy



Dear Sir or Madam,
Below we present information on the use of cookies in connection with visiting our website, hereinafter referred to as the "Website".
    1. The administrator of the data collected through the Website is:
      00-850 Warsaw, ul. Prosta 2/14
      NIP: 5272898555, REGON: 383865269, KRS: 0000793462
    2. Contact with the Administrator is possible at the e-mail address: or by phone: +48 501 19 99 19 (from 08.00 to 16.00).
    3. Each entity using the Website is its "User".
    4. The administrator has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by writing to the email address:
    1. What are cookies?
      Cookies are IT data in the form of text files, sent by the server and saved on the device on the User's side (e.g. on the computer's hard disk, laptop, smartphone memory card - depending on which device the Website User uses).
      These data are collected and stored only in anonymous form or under a pseudonym and do not enable identification of the User. Cookies do not damage the User's computer and do not contain viruses.
    2. Types and purposes of using cookies
      The website uses so-called session cookies, which are automatically deleted after turning off the website or web browser, and Permanent cookies that remain on the User's end device for a specified period of time or until they are deleted by the User on his End Device.
      Cookies are used for the following purposes:
      • improving website navigation, adjusting the content of the Website to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of the Website;
      • storing and analyzing information about whether the User is new or returning;
      • keeping statistics and analyzing Users' behaviors in the network and their consumer preferences;
      • remarketing, i.e. research on the characteristics of the behavior of visitors to the Website by anonymous analysis of their activities (e.g. repeated visits to specific pages, keywords, etc.) in order to provide them with tailored ads for our products, also when they visit other websites on the web Google Inc.
    3. Information about the possibility of disabling cookies
      Please be advised that the User has the option of configuring his web browser that will prevent the storage of cookies on the User's end device. In such a situation, the User's use of the Website may be difficult.
      We would also like to inform you that cookies may be deleted by the User after they have been saved, through the appropriate functions of the web browser, programs used for this purpose or using the appropriate tools available under the operating system used by the User.
      Below are links to pages on which instructions for setting the conditions for saving and storing cookies for the most popular web browsers have been placed:
      • Chrome
      • Firefox
      • Opera
      • Safari
    4. Third party cookies
      The site uses functions provided by third parties, which involves the use of cookies from these third parties, e.g. Facebook and Google.

      Google Analytics
      The administrator may use Google Analytics services provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA to analyze website traffic and optimize it.
      We recommend that you read the detailed information on how Google Analytics processes data under the link:
      The User may block sharing of information about his activity on the Website with Google Analytics. To do this, install the browser add-on provided by Google LLC available at:

      Google Ads
      The administrator may use Google Ads services provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Thanks to Google Ads, the Website is promoted in search results and on third-party websites. Thanks to this service, Users who have visited our Website may later display our ads. The Administrator carries out activities in this area to market his own products.
      Users can deactivate cookies used for remarketing as part of their Google account settings. Details on the use of cookies by Google are available at:

      Social plugins
      On the Website, plugins of the following social networks are used: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram
      Plugins for social networks are interactive elements that enable sharing content from the Website in social media and allow direct redirection of the User visiting the Website to fanpages on social networks.
      After the User clicks on a given plug-in, a direct connection is established with the server of the given social network and he can then collect information and use cookies.
      If the User is logged in to his own account in a given social networking site, the portal may assign the User's visit to the Website to the User's account in the portal. Information on the purpose of data collection, the scope of data collected, their further processing and use by individual social networking sites, as well as Users' related rights and possible settings to protect privacy are given in the privacy policies of individual social networking sites:
      • Facebook
      • YouTube
      • Instagram
      If the User who has a profile on one of the social networks does not want the operator of a given portal to collect data via the Website and combine it with other saved data, before visiting the Website he should log out of the given social portal and possibly delete the appropriate cookies.
    5. Server logs
      Using the Website involves sending queries to the server on which the website is stored. Queries sent to the server are saved in server logs.
      Logs include, among others User's IP address, information about the web browser and the operating system used by the User, time and date of the server. Logs are saved and stored on the server.
      The data saved in the server logs are not associated with specific people using the site and are not used by the Administrator to identify the User.
      Server logs are an auxiliary material for administering the Website, and their content is not disclosed to anyone except persons authorized to administer the server.